Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Spanish for Native Speakers

Google Docs
1. Go to your google drive
2. Make sure your account is set up for English and Spanish
3. Open up a new google doc
4. Title it Your Name, 6th hour
5. Click Share, then click "Advanced" on the lower-right corner
6. On "Who has access" click "Change" then "On - anyone w/link" and change Access to "Can edit", Save
7. Invite people: emily.ann.izquierdo@gmail.com then "Send"
8. Check with me to see if I can edit
9. Type your 5 sentence writes and correct spelling, grammar, etc...

Present tense review:
Go to https://conjuguemos.com/verb/homework/130# 
Click the blue Customize button and under Pronouns choose "All but vosotros"
If you need help with spelling/conjugations go here: http://www.spanishdict.com/conjugation
Record your score on your paper
Write which verbs you struggled most with

Ser, Estar, Tener, Haber Practice
Go to http://studyspanish.com/grammar/test/serest1/
Record score
Go to http://studyspanish.com/grammar/test/serest4/
Record score
Go to http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar/seretc.htm
Record your score

Go to vocaroo.com 
Record yourself reading a book in Spanish

Follow these steps to turn it in.
1. Go to download as Ogg
2. Go to Computer    -     Downloads
3. Right click and rename your recording with your first and last name
4. Right click and copy your recording
5. Go to 195Handin   -   Martinez Izquierdo     -      Your hour-Recording and paste your recording
6. Check with me to make sure I got it

Monday, November 14, 2016

2A Review Activities

-AR Conjugations
1. Go to www.conjuguemos.com
2. Hit the blue "Customize" button
3. Under verbs - Hold down the control button and select all -AR verbs
4. Under pronouns - select "All but vosotros"
5. Under tenses - select "Present"
6. Hit OK
7. On the upper left-hand side click the red "start" button
8. After 5 minutes record your score on your paper next to conjuguemos

If you need to review making nouns plural go here first
1. Go to http://studyspanish.com/grammar/test/plnoun/ and take the quiz
2. Write your score on your paper next to Plurals Quiz #1
3. Now take this quiz: http://www.learnspanishfeelgood.com/nouns-plural2.html
4. Write your score next to Plurals Quiz #2

Today you are going to record yourself talking about some of your classes. Remember to speak loudly and clearly. I can't grade what I can't hear or understand. Prepare a script to say the following things:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Say today's date
3. Say what class you have for 4 different class periods. (i.e. I have math class 5th hour. In 7th hour I have art class.)
4. Say what your favorite class is and give a reason why using at least one adjective. Because = porque
5. Say good-bye

When you're ready go to vocaroo.com and make your recording. Follow these steps to turn it in.
1. Go to download as Ogg
2. Go to Computer    -     Downloads
3. Right click and rename your recording with your first and last name
4. Right click and copy your recording
5. Go to 195Handin   -   Martinez Izquierdo     -      Your hour-Recording and paste your recording
6. Check with me to make sure I got it

Compare your schedule to schedules in Latin America and Spain
1. Go to http://zachary-jones.com/zambombazo/comparaciones-horarios-de-clases/
2. Look over the schedules and pick one to compare with your schedule
3. On your paper write the name of the school you chose and the country (it's in gray, underneath each schedule)
4. Write 5 sentences in Spanish to compare your schedule with their schedule.
Helpful vocab:
más...que = more...than
menos = less
Hay = there is/there are
Tengo = I have
Tiene = he/she/it has
su = his/her/their

If you finish early:
1. Vocab 1
2. Vocab 2
3. Subject Pronouns
4. -ar verbs

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

1B Activities

Today you are going to record yourself talking about what you are like. Write out your script before you record it. You will need to say the following things:
1. Your name
2. Today's date
3. Describe yourself using at least one adjective.
4. Say how you sometimes are
5. Describe what you aren't like
6. Say what you are like according to your family
Be creative and use as many vocab words as you can!

When you're ready go to vocaroo.com and make your recording. Follow these steps to turn it in.
1. Go to download as Ogg
2. Go to Computer    -     Downloads
3. Rename your recording with your first and last name
4. Open another computer window
5. Drag and drop your file to 195Handin   -   Martinez Izquierdo     -      Your hour-Recording
6. Check with me to make sure I got it

PowerPoint Presentation:
Now, you are going to make a presentation to describe your family, friends and a few celebrities.
You are going to make at least 6 slides. Each slide needs the following:
1. The person's name  (Se llama...)
2. What they are like (2-3 adjectives describing the person)
3. What they are not like
4. At least one activity they like to do (pg. 46/1A vocabulary if you don't remember the verbs)
5. At least one activity they don't like to do

Choose 2 members of your family (1 male, 1 female)
2 of your friends (1 male, 1 female)
2 celebrities (1 male, 1 female)
Include pictures on your slides if you've got access to pictures.

Be sure to include your name somewhere on the first slide

Here is an example slide:

Save it in your H: drive and then copy and paste it into the HandIn folder in your hour-presentation


If there is extra time you can do the following review activities:
1. Flashcards
2. Vocab practice - activity 1 
3. Vocab practice - activity 2
4. Adjective agreement practice
5. Word order practice 
6. Scatter game
7. Space race
8. Timed vocab 
9. Crossword 
10. WordSearch
11. Hangman

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Go to: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GHKCneMSANwlIn47aOfw25O1DJ4aP4G9MLjTnw5oAQU/edit?usp=sharing to see an example and the requirements for this assignment.

  1. Busca una leyenda interesante
  2. Haz un PowerPoint con los siguientes diapositivas
    1. Título
    2. Espacio (donde toma lugar la historia)
    3. Tiempo (cuando toma lugar la historia)
    4. Personajes Principales
    5. Vocabulario (de 2 a 3 palabras - incluye una definicion y una imagen por cada palabra)
    6. La leyenda (la historia en tus propias palabras
    7. Recursos (los sitios de internet que usaste)

3. Una imagen para cada diapositiva (menos los recursos)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


You are going to practice conjugating verbs in the present tense today. Follow the links to do the practice activities or games.

Remember the endings for the verbs are:

Yo                                       o
Nosotros/Nosotras   amos
Vosotros/Vosotras    áis
Él/Ella/Usted                    a
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes   an

Yo                                       o
Nosotros/Nosotras   emos
Vosotros/Vosotras    éis
Él/Ella/Usted                    e
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes   en


Yo                                         o
Nosotros/Nosotras   imos
Vosotros/Vosotras    ís
Él/Ella/Usted                      e
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes   en

1. Frog Game                                           Show me when your score is at least 300
2. Battleship                                             Play at least one whole game. Try to beat the
3. Graded practice                                    Do 3 five minute rounds and record your score
                                                                 and percentage after each one.
4. Other games                                        With any remaining time play any of the other
                                                                 games on the right-hand side of the website

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Spanish for Native Speakers Para Empezar

1. Alphabet Practice #1
2. Alphabet Practice #2
3. Alphabet Practice #3: Do 3 of the exercises listed on this page
4. Days & Months Practice
5. Clock practice #1
6. Clock practice #2
7. Number practice #1
8. Number practice #2
9. Anuncio #1
10. Anuncio #2
11. Anuncio #3
12. Anuncio #4


Online recording software >> Now, you are going to make your own ad in Spanish for an event you are hosting (it could be a party, a community event, a concert, dance, etc...) In your ad you must mention:
1. A date
2. The time the event starts and the time it ends
3. A phone number to call for more information
4. An address
5. An email address or website that you spell out

Write your ad out so that you can read it while you're recording it.
Follow these instructions to record and turn in your ad.
1. Plug in your headphones
2.       Go to vocaroo.com
3.       Hit the “Click to record” button
4.       Click “allow” for vocaroo to access the camera and microphone
5.       Record your name and say the date as a test recording
6.       Click “stop”
7.       Click “listen” to make sure everything is working and you are speaking loud enough.
8.       Record your assignment
9.       Make sure you are happy with your recording or record it again until it sounds good
10.   When you are ready to turn it in, hit “click here to save”
11.   Hit “email” under the sharing options
12.   Email your recording to eizquierdo@usd259.net

Thursday, April 7, 2016

La Republica Dominicana

Ve los videos de abajo y al otro lado de tu papel escribe por lo menos 15 cosas que aprendes.

1. Trujillo 1
2. Trujillo 2
3. Trujillo 3
4. Las hermanas Mirabal

Monday, April 4, 2016

5A Computer Activities

Please do the following activities to review for your test before Thursday/Friday.

1. Flashcards
2. Learn
3. Vocab practice 1
4. Vocab practice 2
5. Scatter
6. Gravity
7. Practice with tener
8. Possessive Adjectives
9. Possessive Adjectives quiz
10. Test preparation
11. Quinceañera links:
      Article 1
      Article 2
      Video 1
      Video 2
      Video 3
      Video 4
      Video 5

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter 4B Computer Activities

Please do the following activities to review before the test next Wednesday. I'm sorry I'm unable to be in class today, as such, your Yo Puedo will be due on Monday.
1. Flashcards -  go through the cards at least twice. Star the cards that you need to practice with more.
2. Learn - practice spelling the words, try to avoid looking at your vocabulary
3. Vocab practice 1 - drag the sentence to the corresponding picture
4. Vocab practice 2 - write the vocab, be sure to include el or la for the nouns, accent marks and the pronouns before conjugated verbs.
5. Ir + a + infinitive - Answer the question and fill in the blank with the correct form of ir (voy, vas, va, vamos, van) + a + verb (must end in -ar, -er or -ir). Hint - the verb you need is in the question.
6. Jugar practice - Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of jugar.
7. Test - retake it until you get at least 90%
8. Scatter - play 3 times
9. Gravity - play twice

Thursday, February 4, 2016

4 de febrero - recitar un poema

1. Listen to Pablo Neruda recite Poema 20 here.
2. Listen to Pablo Neruda recite another poem here.

3. Go to vocaroo.com
4. Plug in your headphones
5. Make a test recording and listen to it to make sure your headphones are working
6. Record your portion of the poem - aim to make it sound similar to the poems you listened to earlier
7. Listen to it
8. Record your name and your portion of the poem again
9. Listen to it
10. If it sounds fluent & poetic, click on "Click to save" and email your recording to eizquierdo@usd259.net

Monday, January 11, 2016

Pablo Neruda

Aquí, lee unos poemas de Pablo Neruda.  Escoge uno favorito para hacer una presentación a la clase como parte de nuestro “Café de poesía.”  Dile a la maestra el título del poema que has escogido (no puedes escoger uno de los poemas que hemos leído como parte de la clase).

·         Vas a memorizar por lo menos 10 líneas del poema para decir a la maestra.

Presentación: tienes 3 opciones para la presentación

1.          PowerPoint/Video (incluye un enlace a una recitación del poema o recítelo)
2.          Presentación oral
3.          Un póster

·         La letra del poema - con imágenes que concuerdan con el/los tema(s) si haces PowerPoint o un póster y si haces la presentación oral interpretarás el poema en voz alta
·         La identificación del uso de por lo menos 5 de los elementos literarios que estudiamos (metáfora, simíl, onomatopeya, etc…) Identifica en cual línea se encuentran los elementos
·         Una explicación de qué se trata el poema en tu opinión
·         Por qué a ti te gusta

Nuestro café de poesía ocurrirá el _______21 de enero____________.

Rubric for your poetry recitation: 
Poetry Recitation 
4 pts
3 pts
2 pts
1 pts

Student is well prepared and it is obvious that he/she rehearsed his/her poem thoroughly. 

Student is well prepared but the presentation of the poem requires a few more rehearsals. 

Student is not well prepared and would benefit from many more rehearsals. 

Student is obviously unprepared for the task. No evidence of any rehearsals. 

The student has memorized the entire poem and is able to present it without error. 

The student has memorized entire poem and is able to present with just one error from which he/she recovers. 

The student has memorized entire poem and is able to present, however makes three+ error and doesn't recover (needs prompting). 

The student has not memorized the poem.<BR>
(needs too many prompts) 

Spanish is very clear and spoken without any hesitation. Pronunciation is very good with no errors (maybe 1). 

Spanish is clear and spoken without hesitation. Pronunciation is good with a few minor errors, but does not interfere with the overall presentation. 

Spanish is clear with a few moments of hesitation. Pronunciation is average with minor errors that interfere with the overall presentation. More than 2 errors in pronunciation 

Spanish is not clear and/or several moments of hesitation. Pronunciation is poor and/or major errors that interfere with the overall presentation. More than 4 errors in pronunciation/fluency. 
Clarity and Expression 

The student speaks clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied pitch and tone modulation. Recites loudly enough for all to hear throughout presentation. 

The student speaks clearly and distinctly. Some minor lapses in pitch, tone and volume OR the emotion conveyed did not fit the content OR emphasis uneven. 

The student speaks clearly but is, at times, indistinct, too quiet, and/or pitch is rarely used OR the emotion it conveyed often did not fit the content. 

The student does not speak clearly, mispronounces words and is inaudible to the audience. Spoken in monotone. 
Physical Presence 

Student employs proper posture and gestures, is relaxed and confident, and maintains appropriate audience contact. 

Student employs proper posture and gestures, is relaxed and confident, and maintains appropriate audience contact most of the time or lacing in one of these elements. 

Presentation is lacking two or more of the criteria. 

The student slouches, looks uncomfortable and makes no effective contact with the audience at all. Tension and nervousness is obvious.