Monday, January 11, 2016

Pablo Neruda

Aquí, lee unos poemas de Pablo Neruda.  Escoge uno favorito para hacer una presentación a la clase como parte de nuestro “Café de poesía.”  Dile a la maestra el título del poema que has escogido (no puedes escoger uno de los poemas que hemos leído como parte de la clase).

·         Vas a memorizar por lo menos 10 líneas del poema para decir a la maestra.

Presentación: tienes 3 opciones para la presentación

1.          PowerPoint/Video (incluye un enlace a una recitación del poema o recítelo)
2.          Presentación oral
3.          Un póster

·         La letra del poema - con imágenes que concuerdan con el/los tema(s) si haces PowerPoint o un póster y si haces la presentación oral interpretarás el poema en voz alta
·         La identificación del uso de por lo menos 5 de los elementos literarios que estudiamos (metáfora, simíl, onomatopeya, etc…) Identifica en cual línea se encuentran los elementos
·         Una explicación de qué se trata el poema en tu opinión
·         Por qué a ti te gusta

Nuestro café de poesía ocurrirá el _______21 de enero____________.

Rubric for your poetry recitation: 
Poetry Recitation 
4 pts
3 pts
2 pts
1 pts

Student is well prepared and it is obvious that he/she rehearsed his/her poem thoroughly. 

Student is well prepared but the presentation of the poem requires a few more rehearsals. 

Student is not well prepared and would benefit from many more rehearsals. 

Student is obviously unprepared for the task. No evidence of any rehearsals. 

The student has memorized the entire poem and is able to present it without error. 

The student has memorized entire poem and is able to present with just one error from which he/she recovers. 

The student has memorized entire poem and is able to present, however makes three+ error and doesn't recover (needs prompting). 

The student has not memorized the poem.<BR>
(needs too many prompts) 

Spanish is very clear and spoken without any hesitation. Pronunciation is very good with no errors (maybe 1). 

Spanish is clear and spoken without hesitation. Pronunciation is good with a few minor errors, but does not interfere with the overall presentation. 

Spanish is clear with a few moments of hesitation. Pronunciation is average with minor errors that interfere with the overall presentation. More than 2 errors in pronunciation 

Spanish is not clear and/or several moments of hesitation. Pronunciation is poor and/or major errors that interfere with the overall presentation. More than 4 errors in pronunciation/fluency. 
Clarity and Expression 

The student speaks clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied pitch and tone modulation. Recites loudly enough for all to hear throughout presentation. 

The student speaks clearly and distinctly. Some minor lapses in pitch, tone and volume OR the emotion conveyed did not fit the content OR emphasis uneven. 

The student speaks clearly but is, at times, indistinct, too quiet, and/or pitch is rarely used OR the emotion it conveyed often did not fit the content. 

The student does not speak clearly, mispronounces words and is inaudible to the audience. Spoken in monotone. 
Physical Presence 

Student employs proper posture and gestures, is relaxed and confident, and maintains appropriate audience contact. 

Student employs proper posture and gestures, is relaxed and confident, and maintains appropriate audience contact most of the time or lacing in one of these elements. 

Presentation is lacking two or more of the criteria. 

The student slouches, looks uncomfortable and makes no effective contact with the audience at all. Tension and nervousness is obvious.