Thursday, September 28, 2017

Chapter 1A Review

Today you are going to record yourself talking about your likes and dislikes. Write out your script before you record it. You will need to say the following things:
1. Your name
2. Today's date
3. Something you like a lot
4. Something you like more than something else.
5. Two things you don't like (use
6. One thing you don't like at all.
7. Goodbye
Try to be creative and use as much of your vocab as you can.

When you're ready go to and make your recording. This time you are going to save it a little differently.
1. Go to download as Ogg
2. Go to Computer    -     Downloads
3. Rename your recording with your first and last name
4. Open another computer window
5. Drag and drop your file to 195Handin   -   Martinez Izquierdo     -      Your hour
6. Check with me to make sure I got it

Go to the Quizlet website to review the Chapter 1A vocab.
1. Go through the flashcards. Use your headphones if it helps you to hear the words pronounced.
2. Click on the "Learn" link and practice your spelling of the vocab words.
3. Play scatter a few times.
4. Play gravity
5. Choose the right word - textbook activity
6. Match the word to the picture - textbook activity
7. Agree or Disagree - textbook activity

Definite Articles
1. Article review - stop when you get to the slide about indefinite articles
2. Frog game
3. Tank game
4. Article quiz

1. Infinitive practice

1. Video review of cognates
2. False cognate lesson                    False cognate activity      and          False cognate quiz

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Spanish 1: Para Empezar

You are going to work on making a recording in Spanish today. Before you get headphones, write down the script of what you are going to say. Your recording must include the following things in Spanish:

1. A greeting
2. Say your full name
3. Spell your full name
4. Say today's date
5. Say your birthday (Mi cumpleaños es _____________)
6. Tell me your ID number
7. Tell me what time it is
8. Say good-bye

Once you have your script written get a set of headphones and plug in both the black and red plugs. Then go to and follow the instructions for recording yourself and turning it in. Check with me to make sure I got it before exiting out of the program!

Now, you are going to do some review activities. Click the links below and do the activities. In order to get all your participation points for today you must be working on one of these games or activities every time I look at your computer screen.

Telling time 1
Telling time 2
Telling time 3

Alphabet 1
Alphabet 2 (The Y in this game is not pronounced "i griega" it is pronounced "ye")

Numbers 1  (Play all three)
Numbers 2
Numbers 3

Date 1(Down below you can choose days, months & more months)
Date 2
Date 3
Date 4
Date 5
Date 6

Friday, May 12, 2017

Finals Study Guide

Remember that the final is worth 10% of your grade.
Tuesday your final will include the vocab and grammar from Chapters 3A-4B
Wednesday your final will include the vocab and grammar from Chapters 5A-6B

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Chapter 6A&B Review

Imagine that you are a real estate agent and you are trying to sell/rent a home. You are going to find an image(s) of a house and create a flyer in Spanish for potential buyers in order to convince them to buy/rent it.

Follow the rubric for all the sentences you should write.
Label 12 rooms/items in the house
Write 5 sentences describing the house    (SER or ESTAR - depending on if it is a description or talking about location)
Write 3 sentences describing the colors
Write 2 sentences about what the house has
Write a sentence about how much the house costs total or per month. Use cuesta for it costs. Dollars = dólares
Check your spelling, grammar and accent marks

DO NOT USE A TRANSLATOR. Use words that you have already learned or that we are learning in Chapter 6A/B. Remember to KEEP IT SIMPLE. If you can write more complex sentences, go for it!

DUE – 5/16 

Here is an example project.

If you finish early go to or and practice your vocabulary

Here are some example pictures that you may use: Link to more examples

Floor plans from popular TV series…:

Thursday, April 20, 2017

5B - Describir Personas: SER, ESTAR, TENER

Make two slides on powerpoint describing two famous Spanish-speaking people.
  • Your name in the bottom left-hand corner of the first slide
  • The name of each person
  • Two pictures of each person
In sentence form in Spanish:
  • Where they are from
  • How old they are with the number spelled out
  • A physical description using the vocab from chapter 5B (3 sentences)
  • Personality traits and/or likes and dislikes (2 sentences)
  • Two sentences about how they are feeling or where they are in the pictures (2 sentences)
                                           Example powerpoint - Hispanos famosos

Print out before the end of the hour and turn in to me! If you are not done, print it out and finish the rest at home.


If you get done early, do the following:
1. Quizlet

Thursday, March 30, 2017

5A - Árbol de Familia

Today you are going to work to create a family tree. You can make your family tree or you can choose a famous family in real life or fiction. On a one page document (powerpoint, publisher, word, etc...) make a family tree that includes at least 3 generations and 12 family members. Choose one of the family members to be "Yo". Include a picture and label each family member with their name and also their relationship to the person you choose to be "Yo". On another slide or page for at least 10 of the family members write the following sentences USING VOCABULARY YOU ALREADY KNOW. 1. Their age 2. Something he/she likes or loves to do 3. Ten sentences describing what family members do together (i.e. My Grandpa and Grandma dance every Saturday. My uncle and aunt go to church on Sundays.)

Your project should be printed out and turned in by April 4th. Late projects will have a 50% deduction to the grade.

Creativity is encouraged.
These will be seen by your classmates.
For accent marks either write them in after you print or go here

Example Project:

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

3A&B Review

Task 1 - Practice conjugations and record your score with Mrs. Martinez
Image result for ar er ir endings chart
Conjuguemos - Practice AR/ER/IR endings
 To practice:
 Click on Guided Practice Mode
Click Customize
Click All but Vosotros under Pronouns                 Click OK
Click Start
PLAY TWICE for 5 minutes & show me your score each time before moving on

Task 2 - Powerpoint: Research traditional foods from Spanish speaking countries and turn your project in to the hand-in folder
Step 1:  Choose one Spanish-speaking country (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Equatorial Guinea)

Step 2:  Research the typical foods of the country you selected.
·         What are some common ingredients?
·         What does a typical breakfast, lunch, dinner consist of?
·         What are some desserts?
·         Are there any special traditions or eating habits that are different than in the U.S. involving how or when people eat?

Step 3:  Make a Power Point Presentation
·         Title Slide (your name, name of country)
·         1 slides containing a picture and description of a traditional breakfast (in Spanish)
·         1 slide containing a picture and description of a traditional lunch (in Spanish)
·         1 slide containing a picture and description of a traditional dinner (in Spanish)
·         1 slide containing a picture and description of a traditional dessert (in Spanish)
·         1 slide of other facts or information about eating traditions or customs in that country (in English)

6 slides total

When you're ready to turn it in:
Save to your H drive as 3AProject & Your Name
Copy and Paste into 195HandIn/MartinezIzquierdo & your hour

Task 3 - Review Grammar and Vocab from 3A/B
ER/IR endings
1. Rags to riches game
2. Practice from textbook

Adjective Agreement
3. Adjective Agreement - Explanation and practice
4. Adjective Agreement Reading - Explanation
5. Adjective Agreement Quiz
6. Practice from textbook

7. Practice from textbook
8. Quiz
9. Quiz 2

10. Explanation and practice
11. Practice from textbook
12. Memory game

13. 3A Flashcards
14. 3A Vocab Quiz
15. 3B Flashcards
16. 3B Vocab Quiz
17. 3A Games
18. 3B Games - Play scatter, gravity, speller, etc...